Welcome to 6th grade math! This year we apply all of the lessons you have learned in K-5. We will begin by looking at data collection and interpretation via statistics. We will also be exploring ratios, expressions, equations, and extending learning about area and the coordinate plane. We will learn about absolute value as well as positive and negative integers. We will also revisit operations with decimals and fractions.
* It is expected that 6th graders have a firm knowledge of multiplication and division facts, as well as a basic understanding of fractions and whole numbers & decimal place values.
Our textbook is REVEAL MATH, and we will have access to an online component. I am eager to give each student access as this will alleviate homework issues -- homework will be available online and in the text. Students will also be responsible for a copy of the COACH book for math. This will be used for lessons, homework, and review of content.
Binders will be used by each student this year. Your student's binder should contain dividers, graph paper, and lined paper, as well as room for handouts and returned work. We will discuss how the binder will be organized in class.
Math grades will be calculated using IXL assignments, classwork grades, and tests. Classwork will include practice pages, Google Classroom activities, and work completed in class. Tests will be weekly/ bi-weekly and will be given on the IXL platform or on paper.
Students are expected to be in class on time daily, and to be prepared to learn. This includes having all necessary materials and their school-issued computer and charger. It also includes attentive, respectful behavior toward the teachers as well as classmates.
Classwork and homework are due on their assigned due dates. All work is organized and listed on Google Classroom. If a student is absent, they are expected to return to school with the work completed. If students miss several days and are not present for a test, they will need to make arrangements to complete it once an excuse has been brought to school. Unexcused absences will result in a 0 for all incomplete assignments.
Students should remember that they are responsible for:
(1) having all the materials they need for class
(2) completing all assignments on time
(3) scheduling makeup tests or work with Mrs. Huntley when necessary
(4) behaving in a manner that allows everyone to learn, including asking questions when you do not understand
(5) accepting consequences for not following established rules and procedures
A student's math grade is determined by calculating the following: Homework / IXL 10%, Google Classroom assignments / Classwork 45%, and Tests/Quizzes 45%.
** At the midterm and end of each grading period, grades are posted and finalized. Once grades are posted, I cannot open the portal and change a grade. Students are responsible for having all work and quizzes completed on time to avoid any issues.
Students receive reminders daily to complete the work, and it will be available on Google Classroom for students and parents to see!
Limited extended time is only given for excused absences, or if it is required in an IEP or 504 documentation.
ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORMS used in the 6th grade --
i-Ready Math will be our benchmark assessment tool this year. Students will take the benchmark assessment once in September, once in December, and once again in April.
6th graders are expected to complete three Math and four Reading i Ready assignments per week. Their averages for these assignments and completion are a huge portion of the Exploratory grade every 9 weeks.
IXL will be used weekly to practice skills and concepts we are currently learning. These assignments are usually due each Friday by the end of school. They are very good practice for student quizzes and I have found that students who complete them ahead of time usually do much better on their quizzes than those students who procrastinate. These are expected to be completed with a 90% or higher mastery. The score they attain by the due date at 4pm is the final grade they will receive for that IXL activity.
Sixth Grade is a year when students are expected to be much more responsible than ever before. The workload is larger, and they will need to keep themselves and their materials organized. Parents can help by checking Google Classroom and Infinite Campus regularly, and following up on assignments. Do not hesitate to Dojo or email if you have any questions for me or the other members of the 6th grade team. We are here to help!
We are available to meet each day during our planning period (Monday - Friday, 8:30 - 9:15 am).
706.434.8085 ext. 604
"Math is like going to the gym for your brain. It sharpens the mind." - Danica McKellar, actress, author, and mathematician
ALWAYS REMEMBER: M + A + T + H = Making Amazing Things Happen!